🔌 Junction Box Design
Upper part of the Junction Box
- DHT11 - The sensor is used to measure the temperature and humidity of the environment. (One Wire Protocol)
- TSL2591 - The sensor is used to measure the light intensity of the environment. (I2C Protocol)
- Main AC - The main AC is used to power the entire system.
Lower part of the Junction Box
- Atlas Scientific Sensor - The sensor is used to measure the pH, EC and temperature of the reservoir. (I2C Protocol)
- DHT11 - The sensor is used to measure the temperature and humidity of the environment. (One Wire Protocol)
- TSL2591 - The sensor is used to measure the light intensity of the environment. (I2C Protocol)
- USB Port - The USB port is used to connect to the Arduino Mega.
Internal part of the Junction Box
- Switching Limit Power Supply - The power supply is used to convert the 230V AC to 5 & 12V DC.
- Sonoff POWR2 - The Sonoff POWR2 is used to monitor power consumption flashed with Tasmota firmware.
- 3 x L298N drivers - The L298N drivers are used to control the 6 peristaltic pumps.
- 4 Channel Relay Contoller - The relay is used to control the 12V Grow Lights.
- Altas Scientific Analog to digital - The sensor is used to measure the pH, EC and temperature of the reservoir. (I2C Protocol)
- Arduino Mega & DFRduino Ethernet W5100S - The Arduino Mega is the main microcontroller that controls the entire system. The ethernet shield is used to connect to MQTT Broker. (SPI Protocol)
- SIM Card Router - The router is used to connect to the internet.